Niemodułowy zasilacz z certyfikatem 80 PLUS Bronze i z wentylatorem hydraulicznym.
80 PLUS Bronze certified non-modular PSU with Hydraulic Bearing fan.
80 PLUS Bronze certified non-modular PSU with Hydraulic Bearing fan.
Zasilacz Toughpower GX1 o mocy 500 W, z certyfikatem 80 PLUS® Gold oraz z korekcją APFC.
Toughpower Series PS-TPD-0600NNFAG –600W 80 PLUS® Fuente de alimentación APFC Certificado Oro
Toughpower Series PS-TPD-0700NNFAG – 700W 80 PLUS® Fuente de alimentación APFC totalmente Certificad...
Compliance with Intel ATX 12V 2.3 & SSI EPS 12V 2.92 standards.
Smart SPD-0700P – 700W 80 PLUS® Standard Certified APFC PSU
Smart SPD-0600P – 600W 80 PLUS® Standard Certified APFC PSU
Smart SPD-0500P – 500W 80 PLUS® Standard Certified APFC PSU
Smart Series SPD-0430P – 430W 80 PLUS® Standard Certified APFC PSU
W pełni modułowy zasilacz Toughpower SFX APFC o mocy 450 W, z certyfikatem 80 Plus Gold
Toughpower Series STP-0600F-G – 600W 80 PLUS® Gold Certified Fully Modular APFC PSU
TR2 S Series TRS-0650P-2 – 650W 80 PLUS® 230V Standard Certified APFC PSU