Cube case with two tempered glass windows and two preinstalled 120mm fans, supporting up to E-ATX MB...
E-ATX cube chassis with two tempered glass windows and two preinstalled 120mm fans
Obudowa typu full tower z oknem ze szkła hartowanego, dwoma fabrycznie zainstalowanymi wentylatorami...
Obudowa The Tower 900 powstała we współpracy projektowej pomiędzy Thermaltake i Watermod France. ...
Obudowa The Tower 900 Snow Edition powstała we współpracy projektowej pomiędzy Thermaltake i Wate...
A cube chassis supports up to E-ATX motherboard with two pre-installed 140mm green Riing fans.
The new Core V51 Power Cover Edition allows users to enjoy the freedom of gaining the maximum interi...A cube chassis supports up to ATX motherboard with two pre-installed 120mm fans.
The Core X71 delivers the best viewing presentation with an enlarged side panel window.
A cube case that supports up to E-ATX, offering an endless stackable and expandable cooling solut...
An E-ATX cube case offers an endless stackable and expandable cooling solution while allowing ext...