Pacific V-GTX 1080Ti Plus Transparent (MSI GAMING X)
Thermaltake Pacific V-GTX 1080Ti Plus Transparent is a full-cover water block for MSI GTX 1080 TI GAMING X, manufactured with a software-controlled 16.8 million colors LED strip, CNC machined copper base, 0.5mm internal fin construction, and an aluminum alloy backplate. This high-performance water block fits most of G1/4 fittings, utilizes a universal mounting mechanism that offers tool-less installation, along with compatibility for custom PC builders. The Pacific V-GTX 1080Ti Transparent delivers the ultimate cooling performance for gaming, overclocking or other GPU intense tasks.

*The image is for referecne only.
Tt LCS Certified
Tt LCS Certified is a Thermaltake exclusive certification applied to only products that pass the design and hardcore enthusiasts standards that a true LCS chassis should be held to. The Tt LCS certification was created so that we at Thermaltake can designate to all power users which chassis have been tested to be best compatible with extreme liquid cooling configurations to ensure you get the best performance from the best features and fitment.

TT RGB PLUS Ecosystem is the intelligent lighting system
for PCs that
combines the most advanced addressable LED lighting with Thermaltake’s patented TT RGB PLUS
Software. TT RGB
PLUS ecosystem provides nearly unlimited possibilities for playing with colors,
synchronizing lights to games,
music, CPU temperatures or other TT RGB PLUS products, including case fans, CPU/VGA
waterblocks, AIO CPU
coolers, PSUs, LED strips and peripherals. The patented software allows users to change the
light modes,
colors, speeds, brightness, fan speeds, and even supports AI voice control in iOS and
Android devices.
Learn More

Patented TT RGB PLUS Software & App
Monitor the fan performance, adjust the fan speeds, and
customize the
lighting effects for Thermaltake Plus RGB liquid cooling products with the patented TT RGB
PLUS Software and
an exclusively designed mobile app. Choose a function from below and scroll down to read the
Taiwan Patent: 105216989
Learn More
Download TT RGB Plus

* The image is for reference only.
SyncALL, Say “Hello TT” Thermaltake AI Voice Control
Talking to TT RGB PLUS App is an easier, faster way to
lights for your
systems. You
can ask it to turn the lights on or off, switch lights modes, dim the lights, change
light colors, or adjust
speeds or fan speeds.
Voice Input Command
- For desktop: Requires TT RGB PLUS Software 1.1.5 version or later.
- For iOS: Requires iOS 10.0 or later.
- For Android: Requires Android 6.0.0 or later with screen resolution 1920 x 1080.

Conveniently control all devices and customize the lights at the same time by setting up to five profiles for each controller. Each controller your system connected is displayed at the top left of the interface for you to quickly access. Within each profile, you can check which device is set to what operating mode and lighting effect. You can even “SAVE” and apply the settings to other controllers your system is running.

Fan Speeds
Simply drag the slider
bar to
adjust your fan
speed RPM on a dedicated
control panel. The software is also included a number of
fan modes
that allow you to set the fans
to ‘Silent Mode’ where the RPM performs between a 500 – 1500
range, or
‘Performance Mode’ which
operates and dynamically adjusts all the way up to 1500 RPM.
Besides running
at the optimal RPM range, you
can customize the speed by disabling PWM.

Fan Alert
The software offers real-time fan warning alerts when performance operating issues have emerged. The control panel of the failed fan will be grey out, so you can quickly identify which fan is causing issues.

Color Palette
Immediately personalize
lighting with the recommended color
palette. You can change colors and brigthness for the LED
which featrues 16.8 million colors, or
12 single LEDs where the lights can be adjusted
You also can let each LED display a
specific color. Press”Color”, enter the decimal color coded,
then save it.
*The light color will correspond to CPU temperature only when applying Thermal Mode.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Copy Color– Seamlessly transfer lighting
effects of the
first fan across to
other fans.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Full Lighted – A static lighting with
color choice,
including RGB
colors and single color.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Sound Control – Sync lights with your
favorite music
that is imported from
your PC, and see how they
react to the beat.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Flow – Directional RGB colored flow
individual LED of the ring.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
RGB Spectrum – A seamless transition
the entire
16.8 million RGB
color spectrum.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Ripple – Lights ripple out across the
fan with
your choice of 16.8
million colors.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Blink – Lights keep flashing on and off
color or RGB colors.
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Pulse – A slow fade in and fade out with
your color
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Wave – A RGB wave flows across the
Light Modes
Apply one of the present light modes
allow you to
switch between
different lighting schemes along with
three “Color modes” (RGB, Single and
and four
“Light Speeds” (Slow,
Normal, Fast and Extreme).
Cross – Lights flow in opposite
with single
color or RGB colors.
Make your
visible, and track
it easily. The software has a
built-in temperature sensor that detects
changes in CPU
temperature in real-time. The LED
ring offers an additional visual cue.
corresponds to the
temperature, ranging from blue (CPU
temperaure ≦ 40℃) to Red (CPU
temperature ≧
Make your
visible, and track
it easily. The software has a
built-in temperature sensor that detects
changes in CPU
temperature in real-time. The LED
ring offers an additional visual cue.
corresponds to the
temperature, ranging from blue (CPU
temperaure ≦ 40℃) to Red (CPU
temperature ≧
Exclusive LED Strip Design
Controlled by the patented TT RGB PLUS Software and the
app, the built-in
LED strip features great light coverage, uniform color and brightness, and 12 addressable
LEDs that can
paint your build with 16.8 million colors.

*The image is for referecne only.
Digital Lighting Controller
The controller is designed with a DIP switch on the back.
Hence, you can set
a number for each controller easily. You can add up to 5 devices to one lighting controller
and up to 16
controllers to the software. The controller and the coding guide are included in all
*It is recommended to connect up to 3 controllers on one peripheral cable (Molex) only.

Mirror-Finished CU Base
Manufactured with Thermaltake’s highest quality standards, the specially machined copper base has a mirror finish with anti-corrosive mating surface to the GPU that provides exceptional heat transfer for the most demanding use conditions.

High Water Flow Design
The coolant flow path includes all critical components. Proper cooling of these components contributes to overclocking stability and reliable operation. The block covers the entire PCB, leaving no components exposed to possible damage during handling.

Unique Micro-Channel Structure
Featuring a compact form factor with 0.5mm micro-channel fin construction guarantees optimal clearance and extreme heat dissipation. The copper base is compatible with most G1/4 fittings.

High Quality 4mm Thick Backplate
To prevent twist and bow on the PCB, an aluminum alloy made backplate is included in the pack. The backplate features 4mm thickness and can fully cover the backside of the GPU.

Remarkable Expansion
Designed to fit MSI GTX 1080 TI GAMING X with a universal
mounting mechanism,
the Pacific V-GTX 1080Ti Plus Transparent allows enthusiasts to build superior water cooling
systems from an
aesthetic standpoint as well as incorporate modular chassis upgrades for the future.
*Compatible with most SLI bridges

Nowe oprogramowanie TT RGB PLUS
Wersja 2.0 to nowa wersja opatentowanego oprogramowania Thermaltake TT RGB PLUS, zapewniająca więcej efektów świetlnych i funkcji monitorowania komputera.
Wersja 1.0 to opatentowane oprogramowanie Thermaltake do synchronizacji produktów TT RGB PLUS z adresowalnymi diodami LED.
Uwaga: TT RGB PLUS 2.0 i TT RGB PLUS 1.0 uzupełniają się nawzajem; użytkownicy mogą zainstalować tylko jedną wersję TT RGB PLUS.

Synchronizacja z Razer Chroma Lighting
Wszystkie produkty Thermaltake TT RGB PLUS można połączyć z ekosystemem Razer Chroma, Razer Synapse 3. Użytkownicy mogą doświadczyć zsynchronizowanych efektów podświetlenia RGB w systemie chłodzenia cieczą TT RGB PLUS i sprzęcie do gier Razer!

Współpracuje z Amazon Alexa
Wszystkie produkty Thermaltake TT RGB PLUS obsługują usługę Amazon Alexa Voice Service, umożliwiając wydawanie poleceń głosowych urządzeniom obsługującym Alexa.

Thermaltake zaleca następujące kroki, które należy podjąć przed użyciem chłodnic i bloków wodnych z serii Pacific:
- Aby zapewnić czystą pętlę, przed użyciem przepłucz chłodnice i bloki wodne wodą destylowaną.
- Nie używaj wody z kranu ani wody destylowanej jako chłodziwa, może to uszkodzić pętlę i zmniejszyć wydajność.
- Zdecydowanie zaleca się stosowanie sprawdzonego na rynku wstępnie zmieszanego płynu chłodzącego, takiego jak Thermaltake Coolant 1000. Zapewnia on doskonałą wydajność, jednocześnie chroniąc cały obieg cieczy przed korozją.
- Przed przechowywaniem elementów do chłodzenia wodą należy je wyczyścić, wypłukać i wysuszyć. Zapewni to dłuższą żywotność komponentów.
Thermaltake zaleca następujące kroki, które należy wykonać po zakończeniu konfiguracji pętli wodnej:
- Zdecydowanie zaleca się stosowanie sprawdzonego na rynku wstępnie zmieszanego płynu chłodzącego, takiego jak Thermaltake Coolant 1000. Zapewnia on doskonałą wydajność, jednocześnie zapobiegając korozji całego układu chłodzenia – miedzi, mosiądzu, niklu, aluminium i stali.
- Napełnij zbiornik płynem chłodzącym i kilkakrotnie włączaj i wyłączaj zasilanie, podczas gdy pompa wpycha płyn chłodzący do pętli.
- NIE pozwól, aby pompa pracowała na sucho; jeśli do pompy nie dostanie się płyn, natychmiast wyłącz zasilanie.
- Napełnij zbiornik do góry, aby zapobiec przedostawaniu się powietrza do pompy.
- W razie potrzeby lekko przechylić system na boki, aby wypuścić powietrze z pętli.
- Umieść kilka ręczników papierowych pod łącznikami i punktami łączenia, aby sprawdzić, czy nie ma wycieków.
- Uruchom pętlę z otwartym portem napełniania na około 24 godziny, aby całkowicie usunąć powietrze z pętli.
- Przed rozpoczęciem należy dokładnie przepłukać system, aby zapobiec przywieraniu chłodziwa lub niepożądanych cząstek do rur, chłodnic i innych elementów chłodzących.
- Płyn chłodzący może z czasem wyblaknąć.